Westlake Akishima recently conducted an annual cleaning day “ABC-Day: Akishima Big Cleaning Day”at our Higashimatsuyama plant.
We believe that regular cleaning is essential for our employee safety, equipment maintenance, but also to ensure a great environment for the surrounding community.
This year, we painted our factory to prevent rust, carried out equipment maintenance and cleaned the laboratory.
In addition to our annual cleaning day, we also organize a weekly cleaning time called “5S” which enables continuous improvement:
- Seiri (整理) : sort,
- Seiton (整頓) : set in order,
- Seisō (清掃) : shine,
- Seiketsu (清潔) : standardize,
- Shitsuke (躾) : sustain.
Westlake Akishima Big Cleaning Day
Painting Work